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የተክሎች ከተማ

Project City

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Student Name

Tone Chu

The story of Addis Ababa can be read as a tale of plants. Its name meaning “new flower,” the Ethiopian capital was originally founded partly for access to firewood, the import of Australian trees, and later converged many disparate vegetal cultures of the country. The competition and symbiosis between flora ebb and flow within and beyond the city. In a nation where 80% of the population is rural, people’s lives are tightly entangled with their woody counterparts – the extinguishment or prosperity of each species signifies the associated culture’s struggle or growth.


Eucalyptus, African juniper, Arabica coffee, umbrella thorn acacia, enset, and bamboo – Ethiopia’s complex physical and geopolitical landscape is not limited to but can be interpreted by the fluctuations of these iconic species’ respective circumstance. Recognizing the arboreal and herbal beings as critical members of society, the Pan-African Union began to grant plants citizenship since 2035. Due to catastrophic Climate Change impact around the globe, communities relocated, concentrated, adapted, or perished. After the elimination of borders, trees, shrubs, crops, and grasses were free to move across the continent. Addis Ababa, because of its variant topography, ideal latitude, and relative availability of volcanic soil and precipitation, became the meeting place and battleground of different African ecosystems and agricultural industries.


By 2050, new densities and congregations of both natives and former aliens have established themselves around the expanding urban area, sharing resources and hardships. Genetic modification was widely experimented but remained an unresolved controversy. While the notion of invasive or endemic was abolished, not all plants were in fact equal. Finite water and land caused uneven advantage to or stresses on different groups, resulting in collaboration or conflicts that still echoed the present day. The lifespan of trees also provides an alternative lens of timescale through which to envision potential cultivation, management, and conservation practices. Without intending anthropomorphism, seeing plants with their distinct agencies helps us imagine how numerous human and non-human identities may interact in a future world of both cultural diversity and increased environmental pressures.

note: please see the bottom of this page for related references and news links.


the migrant

የባሕር ዛፍ / Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus)

የመጀመሪያው የድርቅ ማዕበል የመጣው ከ 20 ዓመታት በፊት ነበር ፡፡ የሞንታን ደኖች ቀደምት መሞትን የጀመሩ ሲሆን ቆላማው የቀርከሃዎች ብዙም ሳይቆይ ተከትለው ነበር ፡፡ ምንም እንኳን ሁሉም በእሳት ነበልባል እና ከሰማይ አነስተኛ ጠብታዎች ቢሰቃዩም ፣ የባህር ዛፍ ዛፎች ቀሪውን እርጥበት በመቆየታቸው ተወቀሱ ፡፡ “የውጭ” የመጀመርያ መለያቸው ተመርምሮ በቁጣ ተጠቆመ ፡፡ የረጅም ጊዜ ስደተኞች በችግር ጊዜ ከአሁን በኋላ ተቀባይነት አላገኙም ፡፡ የተራራ እንጦጦ የባሕር ዛፍ እንጨቶች ጥርት ብለው የተቆረጡ ነበሩ ፣ ሥሮቹ ከምድር ተቀደዱ ፣ ቀጥ ያሉ ግንዶቻቸው ሁሉ ወደ ጣውላ ተለወጡ ፡፡

The first wave of massive drought came 20 years ago. The montane forests began to die the earliest, and lowland bamboos soon followed. Even though all suffered from the blazing heat and meager drops from the sky, the Eucalyptus trees were blamed for their avid uptake of the residual moisture. Their initial label of “outsider” was scrutinized and angrily pointed out. The longtime migrants were no longer welcomed in times of crisis. Mount Entoto’s Eucalyptus wood was clear cut, the roots torn from the earth, and all their straight trunks were turned into timber.

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the migrant

the exiled

የአፍሪካ ጥድ / African Juniper (Juniperus procera)

ኮንፊፈሮች ለክልል በሚደረገው ትግል ተሸንፈዋል ፡፡ በቁጥር አነስተኛ እና ለማጣጣም ቀርፋፋ ፣ ቀስ  በቀስ ከስልጣን እና ከታዋቂነት ወደቁ ፡፡ የአፍሪካ ጫካዎች ወደ ቤተክርስቲያን ደኖች እና ወደ አዲስ ግን ከድንበር የተጠበቁ አካባቢዎች ተባረዋል ፡፡. የእርሻ መሬቶች እና የሞተር አውራ ጎዳናዎች አካባቢዎቻቸውን መጥለፋቸውን ቀጠሉ ፡፡ በደሴቲቱ ማደሪያ ስፍራዎች ውጭ የአገሬው ተወላጆች በጉጉት የታደሙ ዒላማዎች ሆኑ ፡፡

The conifers were losing in the fight for territory. Small in numbers and slow in adaptation, they gradually fell out of power and popularity. African junipers were banished into the church forests and new but marginal protected areas. Farmlands and motorways continued to encroach upon their enclaves. Outside the islet asylums, the natives became eagerly hunted targets.

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the exiled

the exploited

አረብካ ቡና / Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica)

አረብካ ቡና ለመስኖ እና የጎርፍ መከላከል መሰረተ ልማት ተደራሽነት ቅድሚያ ተሰጥቶታል ፡፡. አንድ ጊዜ ከመመረጡ በፊት ነፃ እና ያልተለቀቀ ሲሆን አሁን ወደ መብቶቹ ሙሉ በሙሉ ተቆራኝቷል ፡፡ በከፍታ ቦታዎች ላይ እርሻዎች ተዘርግተው እና በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ ተደራጅተዋል ፡፡.ቁጥቋጦዎቹ በጥብቅ ያድጋሉ ፣ ፍሬዎቻቸው ብዙ ጊዜ ይሰበሰባሉ ፡፡. አጠቃላይው ህዝብ ፈንድቷል ነገር ግን ትውልዶቹ ተያይዘው ቀሩ ፡፡ የቡና ዛፍ ሕይወት የተትረፈረፈ ፣ የተደናቀፈ እና የተጨናነቀ ነበር ፡፡

Arabica coffee was prioritized for access to the irrigation and flood prevention infrastructures. Once free and untamed before being chosen, it was now completely shackled to its privileges. Plantations expanded and densely arrayed on the highland terraces. The shrubs grew gingerly, their fruits harvested frequently. The total population exploded but the posterities remained tethered. The life of a coffee tree was lavish, stunted, and crowded.

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the exploited

the refugee

ጃንጥላ እሾህ የግራር / Umbrella thorn acacia (Vachellia tortilis)

የተወሰኑት በ 2040 በተጠራው ዓመት ጃንጥላ እሾህ አካካያስ ከሳቫናዎች መጣ ፡፡ በእግረኞች ኮረብታ ውስጥ ያለው የአየር ጠባይ በጣም አስቸጋሪ በመሆኑ ጠንካራ የሆኑት ዛፎች እንኳን መንቀሳቀስ ነበረባቸው ፡፡ እነሱ እንደ ወንድሞች እና ታዋቂ እንግዶች ተቀባይነት አግኝተዋል ፣ ግን ደግሞ አልተካተቱም እንዲሁም ክትትል ተደርገዋል ፡፡ በራስ-ሰር አጥር የተጠበቁ አኩዋሳዎች ጃንጥላ እሾህ የግራር ቤታቸውን በተራሮች ላይ በቋሚነት ገነቡ ፡፡.

In the year some called 2040, umbrella thorn acacias arrived from the savannahs. Weather in the foothills had become so intolerable that even the hardy trees had to move. They were accepted as brothers and iconic guests, but also excluded and monitored. Protected by the automated fences, the acacias settled and steadily rebuilt their home in the mountains.

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the refugee

the indigenous

ትርጉም / Enset (Ensete ventricosum)

ሐሰተኛ ሙዝ ማንነቱ በማይታወቅ ሁኔታ ለብዙ አሥርተ ዓመታት ኖሯል ፡፡. የአየር ንብረት ለውጦችን በመቋቋም በፀጥታ በአደጋዎች አብቅተዋል እናም ለጽናት እና ለብዙ ብዝሃነታቸው በጣም ተወዳጅ ሆኑ ፡፡  ከዚያ ያልታወቁ በሽታዎች ከአዲሶቹ ጋር ወረዱ ፡፡. በሕመሙ ተደምስሷል ለማለት ይቻላል የመጨረሻዎቹ ክሮች በመጨረሻ በጄኔቲክ ምህንድስና እና በጥብቅ መነጠል የዳኑ ነበሩ ፡፡ በጥላው ውስጥ እንደገና በማገገም ታዋቂነት እንደገና ለመሰብሰብ ቀን ይጠብቃል።.

The false bananas lived many tranquil decades in anonymity. Resistant to climate changes, they quietly flourished through catastrophes and became dearly valued for their resilience and multivalence. Then unknown diseases descended with the newcomers. Almost wiped out by the malady, the last strands were in the end saved by genetic engineering and strict isolation. Recuperating again in the shadow, the enset awaited the day to reclaim prominence.

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the indigenous

the second generation

ቀርከሃ / Bamboo (Bambusoideae)

ከ 2007 ከመግባቱ በፊት የቀርከሃ ተወላጅ ዝርያዎች ሁለት ብቻ ነበሩ ፡፡ በ 22 ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን አጋማሽ ላይ በፍጥነት በማደግ ላይ ያሉ ሣር ቤተሰቦች ብዙ ቤተሰቦች በዋና ከተማው ዙሪያ ማህበረሰቦቻቸውን አቋቁመዋል ፡፡. ከአገሬው ሰዎች ጋር እንዲቀላቀል ተበረታቷል ፣ ሁለተኛው ትውልድ ከቀዳሚ መኖሪያዎቻቸው ባሻገር ተለውጦ ተሰራጭቷል ፡፡. ለጽናትና ድራይቭ የተከበረው ፣ የቀርከሃ ግን ገና ባልተረጋገጠ ዘመን ውስጥ ግንባር ቀደም ከሆኑት እፅዋት አንዱ ነው ፡፡

There were only two native species of bamboo before the influx since 2007. By mid-century, dozens more families of the fast-growing grass have established their communities around the capital. Encouraged to mix with the locals, the second generations evolved and propagated beyond their original habitats. Celebrated for their endurance and drive, the bamboo became one of the leading plants in the cosmopolitan yet uncertain era.

the second generation

overview analysis of Addis Ababa

exercise 2.jpg


Copyright Christopher Marcinkoski, 2020

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